Re: [LAU] "JX-O5" (Roland JX-03 track made on Linux)

From: Christopher Arndt <chris@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Feb 21 2017 - 10:59:15 EET

Am 20.02.2017 um 07:52 schrieb Ralf Mardorf:
> On Mon, 20 Feb 2017 00:39:36 +0100, Christopher Arndt wrote:
>> The MIDI implementation of the JX-03 has a few minor issues (e.g.
>> [...] very occassionally hanging notes
> Are you sure that those are caused by the Roland device?

No, not absolutely. Though I experienced them with two different MIDI
setups. The first had the JX-03 connected via DIN MIDI cable directly to
the MIDI out of a Kurzweil PC3K and was played by a Studiologic keyboard
connected to the MIDI in of the Kurzweil, so the latter acted as a MIDI
processor in between.

The second setup for the recoding was a Novation Remote SL connected voa
USB to the computer and the JX-03 connected to the second DIN MIDI
output of the Remote SL.

So while I don't think there's a bad connection involved, I haven't
examined the issue thoroughly, so the cause may lie somewhere else.
Anyway, I wasn't looking for help in resolving it, it didn't pose a
major problem in working the JX-03. The fact that there seems to be no
way in preventing the step sequencer from starting when it receives a
MIDI start is much more annoying. I worked around this by just deleting
all notes in the sequencer pattern. But you have to do thsi each time
you load a new patch, if you don't want to actually delete the stored


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Received on Tue Feb 21 12:15:01 2017

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