Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] BeOS nowhere, Linux emerging
From: Fredrik (
Date: to tammi 27 2000 - 09:44:16 EST
> it will be very interesting to see what Steinberg do. SGI themselves
> are not exactly losing the race to embrace Linux (XFS, and today open
> source for OpenGL), and IRIX was the original *nix platform target for
> Nuendo. It can't be too far from Steinberg's minds that Linux is the
> way to go.
I've never thought of it that way, but it makes sense. The BeOS community had much hope for Nuendo, but they were forgetting that it's not really a music composition tool, but a really-high-end post-production tool. It has a MIDI part, but the pricetag is too high for it to be used as a simple "Cubase". That's the reason it was written for SGI/Irix rather than the usual Mac/Windows stuff Steinberg use to do. Steinberg probably thought that BeOS would be the high-end media OS (like IRIX) when PC performance was reaching UNIX workstation levels. It will be interesting to see what happens next.
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