Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] do YOU support LASDPA? (was Re: Linux Audio plugin API's: where arewe ?)
From: David O'Toole (
Date: Tue Apr 11 2000 - 05:29:42 EEST
Paul Barton-Davis wrote:
> >??? I've never said this; if I believed it, I would be running around
> >trying to convince everyone they need to use this API, which I am not.
> Sorry, I wasn't trying to put words into your mouth.
[snip bit about special feature]
> Well, if its something that really should be part of a generic API,
> then LADSPA should handle it. If not, then I agree with you.
Right. The param-replication thing seems more tracking-specific, where
the user has more direct control over voice allocation and individual
voices. Something more MIDI-like would have a different method of
dealing with multi-channels. It doesn't apply to straight effects, which
is why I think it might be possible to at least have OCTAL host LADSPA
effects through the use of a wrapper. (If it can be figured out how to
map LADSPA controls into trackers.)
I spoke with the GLAME people about some of the technical points; if I
understand this correctly, LADSPA has a function call for each buffer,
while GLAME (and OCTAL) give the plugin simultaneous access to all its
buffers (inputs and outputs) in one function call. This would also
present a technical hurdle to adding LADSPA compatibility. Am I correct
in my understanding of how LADSPA does this, or off-base?
> I wasn't aware that Buzz support VST plugins. My comment was saying
> something to the effect of "apparently Buzz users don't see the
> utility in being able to route Buzz output through some of the cool
> VST plugins that are out there". Clearly, I'm wrong about this.
There is a lot more real work being done with tracking tools than most
people realize--the old misconceptions/stereotypes about trackers that I
still find on the net will probably die hard.
-- @@@ david o'toole @@@ @@@
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