Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Re: Gigasampler Clone
From: Juhana Sadeharju (
Date: Sun Jul 02 2000 - 21:05:32 EEST
>From: "Richard A. Smith" <>
>Anyway I am going to have a friend of mine who IS a patent lawyer read it
>tell me what he thinks rather than just speculation.
That would be fine, but that is not the definite word. When we talked
about low-latency convolver patent, the lawyer Paul asked the thing,
saw even a general script support for background threads a bad idea.
We have now enough prior art to make the system very close to Gigasampler.
All stuff is there but we leave the last gap for the individuals to fill.
So, we write a sampler using memory only. The sampler uses a general
sequencer to play begin, loop, and end of sound. We also write a low-latency
audiofile mixer/multitrack player using the same sequencer. Both are usable
as a standalone and no patent is violated. But it only needs to connect
the sequencers to get Gigasampler clone.
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