Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] RE: [Linux-audio-dev] Re: Gigasampler Clone
From: Benno Senoner (
Date: Mon Jul 10 2000 - 18:31:36 EEST
On Mon, 10 Jul 2000, Garth Brantley wrote:
> would propose a 3 tiered approach:
> 1. A well designed file format for the Keymaps/Programs (an open version of
> the .Gig format)
> 2. An engine for midi based sample playback (i.e. the gigasampler clone)
pssssst ...
I don't want to make any statements based on vaporware ,
but during 7-10 days or so I will release an interesting prototype-app
based on all my low latency , interthread communication and disk streaming
stay tuned !
> 3. A utility for laying out Keymaps/Programs & converting them to a variety
> of formats (for hardware sampler & soft samplers)
And the coolest thing would be to figure out the GIG format and being able
to import the nice samplelibraries like
Peter Ewer`s Symphonic Organ Samples and Peter Siedlaczek's Advanced
Orchestra Set.
I've only heard a small demo on CD but these sounds are getting
very good reviews, especially because the disk based samples offer so much
detail because of the virtually unlimited space.
> Part 1 would have to be a group effort. We may even want to try to
> include some commercial sound designers in the debate. Part 2 I would not
> be much help on. Part 3 I would be interested in undertaking. I think a
> well designed user interface for sound design would go a long way to making
> the project a success and I believe I could provide that.
> -Garth
> PS - I am currently working on releasing a piano sample library.
where are you getting the samples from ?
do you plan a Gigapiano clone ?
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