Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] lowish-latency patch and toolchain
From: miriam rainsford (
Date: Tue Jul 11 2000 - 02:25:52 EEST
Hi all....
> If you don't have to reboot, then I'd say you're lucky, because I've seen
> OS 8 hang up and crash on occasions when I was visiting my friend who is
> pretty knowledgeable (for a Mac user) and is using his 3rd generation of
> Mac. And that was when he was only running Internet apps at the time.
Chiping in my 2 pennyworth I'm 'fraid to say thats my experience too...
I work in a Mac-based studio using G3s with loads of RAM, running OS 8.6,
and frequently experience crashes... not as bad as windoze but its a
frustration, particularly with the sort of numbercrunching that audio apps
require (and the sort of pushing the system to the limit that I and probably
most composers do ;-). I'm not going to get into the whole Mac vs. Windoze
vs. Linux debate because I use all 3 OS's, and as far as I see its horses
for courses at the moment - they each have their strengths and
weaknesses... but I'd say hear hear, why not see if Linux can beat them
( o>
///\ miriam rainsford - composer
"why do i like these things? are my ears on wrong?"
- charles ives
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