Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] ardour and sweep.
From: Paul Barton-Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Tue Oct 17 2000 - 19:27:35 EEST
>You mentioned that you were starting work on the editor for ardour. Are you wr
>iting this from scratch or are you building on top of a current app?
If its at all possible, I want to avoid writing anything from scratch.
My current preference is to use snd, because for starters, it can
* multichannel files
* mono-file-per-channel "files"
* 32 bit RIFF/WAVE format
and is much more powerful than sweep.
Having said that, I like sweep a lot, and I agree with you that (apart
from the color scheme, which should be easy to change) its the best
looking editor from the "simple user" point of view. The best by
far. It feels quite close to the "GIMP for Audio" that we've often
spoken of here.
If it evolves rapidly in a direction I need it to move in, I would
seriously think about considering using it instead of snd. This would
tend to suggest that I would do this work :) but this would be
mistaken. I added ALSA 0.6.0 support to sweep already, but I have a
lot invested in snd right now, in particular, ways of coupling its
audio output to ardour. I have a nasty feeling that the work needed to
allow sweep to edit 16 channels of 32 bit WAV files in a coherent way
is a lot more than the work needed to get snd's GUI up to a workable
place for novices. I may be wrong.
Remember, however, that ardour writes standard format files, and so
its recordings can be edited by *any* editor that can handle 32 bit
RIFF/WAVE. The only difference is the degree of integration into
ardour itself.
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