Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] What about debian tasks? [was: Audio distribution revisited]
From: Richard A. Smith (
Date: Sat Sep 16 2000 - 08:11:23 EEST
On 16 Sep 2000 10:15:43 +1100, John Littler wrote:
>> Why create a whole new distribution when all you are changeing is 20% of the system if
>> much?
>> Making a distribution is hard work.. Seems reasonable to me to build upon the shoulders
>> things that already work and work well.
>That is in fact what's being done.
I just checked out m-station. Looks good. (Well the project looks good.. The web page
however has all the links showing up the same color as my background... white.
Browser=Netscape 4.7 ... This is an MS machine though so it could just be me)
What you are working will probally work for a lot of people but just not for me. Over the
years I have tried many different distributions and debian is by far my fav. I might be
inclined to download and test a free copy of m-station but I would not mess with a version
that cost me $$ and required that I get familiar with yet another flavor.
I might however recommend it to other musician friends of mine if I saw enough good opinions
expressed in places like this mailing list.
I agree that an m-station product is a good and needed product. However, I still feel that
options based on other distributions are very necessary as well. For those of us who enjoy
the installation ease that comes with packages but don't want to give up the security of
their favorite dist.
This is accomplished by users of those distributions who spent the time to figure it all out
and then parlay that back to the general public.
Now so far there have be 3 debian users that have spoken up and agreed that a debian-task
would be a useful thing and would like to work on it. Which is plenty enough for me to feel
that its creation is justified.
-- Richard A. Smith Bitworks, Inc. 501.846.5777 Sr. Design Engineer
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