Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] stream buffering on EVO & pitchbend .... opinions ?
From: David Slomin (
Date: Mon Sep 18 2000 - 17:41:40 EEST
Ruben van Royen wrote:
> I own a Roland JV80, and it can pitch bend 48 semitones down (which
> would not be a problem), and 12 semitones up. I also have an Alesis
> QS8, which can pitch-bend 12 semitones up/down. So for pitchbend
> purposes you are completely safe if you limit to 12 semitones.
Um, doesn't what you just said mean you'd have to support
48 + 12 = 60 semitones worth of bending to be equivalent?
In composing / arranging, I've personally had situations which
called for pitch bends of up to three octaves (48 semitones).
At the time, unfortunately, I didn't have any hardware or
software that could do it. :-(
Just a data point,
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