Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] [ot] rawmidi && alsa
From: Tim Goetze (
Date: Wed Apr 25 2001 - 00:12:18 EEST
Today Paul Davis wrote:
>What more information do you need ? There is no way to get faster
>transmission speeds without buffering at one end or the other, since
>the ultimate target will (for many, many years) be operating at
>31.25kb. If this buffering exists (and it must), then the fact that
>the bits stream between two points on their journey at 100MB/sec
>doesn't do anything to alter the point-to-point speed being
>31.25kb. Or I am missing something ?
with mlan, doesn't one 'speak MIDI' to a device, but at a higher
bitrate - or is it me who is missing something here?
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