Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] It's time to vote (n. 1)
From: Paul Davis (pbd_AT_Op.Net)
Date: Wed May 23 2001 - 19:21:55 EEST
>I have been considering the implications of an audio server in a studio
>environment, and a nice little design came into my mind. I am beginning
>to see an increasing number of organizations that could use a multimedia
>facility that is bigger than a typical home project studio, but smaller
>than a full blown commercial studio. The design that came to mind is a
>4 room facility with a studio, control room, editing suite, and media
>closet. The 26-in/26-out capability of a single hammerfall is
>sufficient with 2 ins and 10 outs going to the editing suite and
>everything else going to the studio/control room. This allows for a
>sample library for Evo to be available in both rooms without networking
>delays and allows files written in either room to become immediately
>available to the other, so someone can be editing and mixing a recording
>session while it is still in progress. I imagined that with all of the
>coding skill shown here that a properly equipped SMP machine could
>handle this.
Now this is what we call an imagination! I hope not to imply a
daydream, though. Buy this man a drink!
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