Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] It's time to vote (n. 1)
From: Jay Ts (
Date: Thu May 24 2001 - 00:07:30 EEST
> Jay writes:
> >OK, using Cubase, I can switch VST plugins in and out, even change
> >(for example) Master Effect 1 from Chorus to Reverb or whatever,
> >and at the most, I'm getting little tiny clicks. (Much like my
> >previously-discussed Quadraverb 2, in fact.)
> and then says:
> >So ARE YOU CONVINCED YET?? Or do you want to design-in a limitation
> >that will make Linux audio software inferior to its Windows counterparts?
> i don't understand. all i propose is a system that will sound just like
> Cubase, the Quadraverb and the Fireworx do: "tiny little clicks" when
> you change "programs".
I humbly apologize; I misunderstood and thought that the issue was about
large clicks, as when some device drivers are restarted. Or when a full-
scale waveform is interrupted in midcycle.
> the worst possible case: a very long engine cycle (say, 8192 frames at
> 48kHz, 162ms); the audio thread discovers that the graph is being
> changed and produces silence for a cycle. That will be the loudest
> click you hear.
From here, it seems that could be a loud click, depending on when and
how the silence is introduced. Would it be possible to ramp the
output down to zero before disconnecting? I think you already said
yes to this when Abramo asked in another manner; I'm just checking.
... because if we could avoid producing those "tiny little clicks",
then it would be so perfect.
- Jay Ts
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