Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] It's time to vote (n. 1)
From: Steve Harris (
Date: Thu May 24 2001 - 19:13:52 EEST
On Thu, May 24, 2001 at 08:22:43AM -0600, Joe Pfeiffer wrote:
> (delurking momentarily)
> I also get round-trip latencies much better than 4 msec -- I rarely
> see anything over 1 msec on my 10BaseT system at home, and typically
> much better than that. Here's a short log:
ping doesn't really tell you much, beacuse the packets are small and
I did some tests on the equivalent of 5 44.1KHz streams for 2 minuites with
256 sample packets.
The far end just accepted them, did some simple processing and then sent
the processed packet back.
The latencies in microseconds were:
Min: 1160 (of 100000 packets)
Avg: 1191
Max: 70189
There was only one 70ms packet (and a few 50's and maybe a dozen over 10)
but those would be real killers.
This was on a lightly loaded 100mbit switched network. Theres a load meter
on my hub and it didn't go above 10%.
I tried the same test across a private gigabit network however and the
latency was below solaris's ability to measure it (I don't know what that
is though). There are no linux machines on that network, so I can't
do a fair test.
The linux machines were a dual PIII 866 and a PIII 650
The solaris machines are both quad 450Mhz ultraparc4's
- Steve
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