Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] It's time to vote (n. 1)
From: Vincent Touquet (
Date: Fri May 25 2001 - 07:19:55 EEST
The protocol they use in Disneyland is a protocol over ethernet developed by
Peak Audio (TM).
Some place where you can hear their stuff:
Note that indeed using TCP on a local LAN is an overkill for this stuff. UDP is
good enough (packets don't get dropped on your local LAN, unless you have a
very busy network, or flakey hardware).
We could test audio over UDP using netcat (there are certainly also netcat
sources and binaries for Solaris ;-) !!!
You can netcat a raw audio file to a port on another host.
See also for more example usage
Type something like
nc -u -n other_computer 3000 < soundfile
on the computer you are sending the audio from. [-u specifies transfer over
On other_computer, you can make netcat listen on that port and spawn a program
to receive the data which netcat receives on that port (and play the audio !)
nc -l -p 3000 -e receiving_prog
Damnit, I just haven't got the time nor right computers here to test it :(
If anyone tries it, be sure to post it on the mailinglist (cursed areth thou
who not posteth on the ladlist ;-) if it works out or not (not sure if
receiving_prog could handle the received data etc. [what form that data is in
when it comes up at other_computer])
Note: if it doesn't work out perfectly, note that these protcols where not
specifically made for these applications. I'm sure we could come up with our
own audio-protocol over ethernet. I'm not saying it would be simple, but it
certainly is feasible. Nice, another project for the summer :P
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