Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] It's time to vote (n. 1)
From: Jörn Nettingsmeier (
Date: Thu May 24 2001 - 19:03:30 EEST
Steve Harris wrote:
> On Thu, May 24, 2001 at 01:53:56PM +0200, Jörn Nettingsmeier wrote:
> > > Over ethernet it seem to be only the first packet that is slow, probably
> > > depends on the make of switch though. Unswitched private networks should
> > > be fine. But as Paul said these times are too slow to be useful.
> >
> > are there any obstacles in this setup i have overlooked ?
> > from my experience, ping latency is well below 500 usecs. if that's
> > a measure for the actual audio latency, we'll be doing fine.
> Thats a measure of the minimum extra overhead, in practice it will be a
> lot higher as you will have to pull the data from the packet process it
> wrapper it back up again and send it back.
> Also remeber you have to reassemble the packets in the right order as the
> ordering is not guaranteed.
forgive my ignorance wrt networks, but what can change the original
order of packets in a point-to-point link ?
my understanding is that when packets get routed via different
paths, they might become shuffled, but not on a static route.
-- Jörn Nettingsmeier home://Kurfürstenstr.49.45138.Essen.Germany phone://+49.201.491621
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