Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] LAD website based on PHPNuke and mailinglist proposals ...
From: Benno Senoner (
Date: Thu May 31 2001 - 15:51:17 EEST
On Wednesday 30 May 2001 21:33, Jörn Nettingsmeier wrote:
> Benno Senoner wrote:
> > I've read the nice news about the new mailinglists and I think it is good
> > to split up the list in a developers and users list.
> > (perhaps even a third one: -users for advanced users and -newbies for the
> > very linux audio newbies (eg the ones having trouble to invoke a "make"
> > :-) )
> wholeheartedly no. who's going to help the newbies if the advanced
> users are all on the other list ?
> even though it's getting simpler every day to have mailing lists, i
> think there are too many already. every little tool has at least
> one. (cat-new-features-announce anyone ? or cat-newbies ? cat-gurus
> ? cat-devel ? cat-advocacy ?)
> splitting up a community too much is a Bad Thing.
Ok I do agree.
Perhaps we could use phpnuke's forums to complement the -users list.
(eg those that do not want to use the mailinglist can use the forum but as
always there will be no guarantee that people that helps out newbies will
watch both the mailinglist and the forum)
> > Regarding the LAD site, we need something that is more manageable than
> > the current static site on (where Joern and the others have
> > done a nice job).
> agreed.
> > But in the meantime I've found another story server (slashdot-like) which
> > works very very well and where I think that it offers most stuff we need
> > to manage a community driven protal.
> > It is called PHPNuke (see http:///
> seen it. looks nice, but used to have horrible security problems
> when i last checked, so i didn't take a closer look. might be sorted
> out now, don't know.
AFAIK they seem to be gone (the engine has improved very much over the pas
I'm quite comfortable with it.
And who says that nope does not have security problems, especially the
version hacked by me ? :-)
> > This time I will not fail to deliver the promise (like with the NOPE
> > stuff) since I have the PHPNuke stuff already running and a new install
> > means only a copy operation, so no big deal)
> great.
Ok the phpnuke for lad is up and you (Joern) have already the admin login in
your mailbox.
> which box will host it ?
A new one with PHP4 and the lastest mysql release .. so do not worry
> last time i checked, the php module on was so f&%$§ing
> ancient you couldn't even do basic authentication stuff, so i gave
> up implementing a mechanism for news submissions.
I suggest you to use the site only for the static stuff.
> -.-
> if you set up such a beast, i'm on the bus.
> however, i would like a few things to remain as they are, namely the
> color scheme (corresponding to the logo), the static pages and the
For the color scheme we will work out something where anyone if happy with.
I suggest a white background anyway because gray is not that easy to read
especially with phpnuke's font.
As for the colors of the titlebars etc , it's all configurable.
Any proposals folks ?
(please in #RRGGBB format :-) )
> correctness of the code, which currently is pretty rotten ;-)
> (
>=Inline) did i mention that nitpicker is my middle name ?
It's not my fault since I'm using phpnuke out of the box. (so please complain
with the phpnuke guys)
Anyway I tried the pages on netscape for linux, konqueror on KDE, explorer
and netscape on windows and explorer and netscape on Mac and the page comes
up fine on all browsers so I guess the W3C compliance is not #1 priority.
PS: Frank's LAD logo is cool, looks very professionally.
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