Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] OSC for GUI-Engine communication
From: Jesse Chappell (
Date: Tue Jul 27 2004 - 20:14:57 EEST
Paul Davis wrote on Tue, 27-Jul-2004:
> >I'm writing an audio engine that will communicate with the outside world
> >exclusively via OSC (and perhaps MIDI, but I digress..) It's much more
> >generic, but for the sake of argument let's say the engine is a synth
> >and it needs to talk to a GUI.
> >
> >I need realtime appropriate performance for parameters, and two-way
> >communication (though the synth -> GUI is really simple and not
> >performance critical - error reporting etc.)
> so lets just say thats its basically identical in all gross ways to
> jesse chappell's latest incarnation of sooperlooper, which uses OSC to
> connect an out-of-process GUI to the sooperlooper jack client engine,
> and also does MIDI->OSC bridging from an ALSA sequencer port. it works
> great. it uses liblo.
In case anyone is wondering, this version is currently still in
CVS only at . It
is quite functional, but still lacks a few nice-to-haves. When
it has them, I will make an official release.
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