Frank Barknecht wrote:
> Hallo,
> while trying to build Dave Griffith's fluxus, which uses liblo, on
> Debian, I've hit a very strange error. It boils down to g++ not
> finding the symbols exported in lo/lo.h. I stripped down the code,
> where it fails to this supershort C++-file:
Check your version of liblo. The version in Debian (even testing)
and Ubuntu is a bit behibd what Dave has on his web site.
-- +-----------------------------------------------------------+ Erik de Castro Lopo +-----------------------------------------------------------+ "They should make peace with those who make peace, and wage war against those who wage war, and wage jihad against those who stand in the way of spreading the message of Islam and causing it to prevail of earth." on Wed Jan 11 12:15:04 2006
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