David Robillard <dave@email-addr-hidden> writes:
> Easy documentation about which hosts support what is indeed useful, but
> you can't come up with a "consensus" about what hosts "should" support.
> They "should" support everything ;)
> It's what they DO support that matters. There's been far, far, far too
> much yapping about this on the list at this point. Yes, we need a
> compatibility matrix or something along those lines. Everyone agrees.
> There is really no need to continually state it.
> The problem is simply a lack of documentation. The solution is to write
> it. There is certainly no utility in complaining about these problems
> at this point. "Those who can do, those who can't complain".
> Since there seem to be several people who are really, really into this
> problem.... solve it already. Using mediawiki is not difficult.
IMO, it is much more appropriate to provide this information primary at
the plugin/host web sites. Providing it at lv2plug.in site is nice but I
doubt it will be the place where ppl will look first. Also please note
that this can be integrated at apps.linuxaudio.org.
IMHO, the two basic questions that user will have are:
1. Will the plugin X that I use a lot work on host Y that I want to try?
2. Will the host W that I use a lot work well with the plugin Z I've found?
-- Nedko Arnaudov <GnuPG KeyID: DE1716B0>
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
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