Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] icky low level linux stuff
From: Ross Vandegrift (
Date: Fri Jul 26 2002 - 18:26:04 EEST
On Thu, Jul 25, 2002 at 11:56:24AM -0400, Rob Kudla wrote:
> On Thursday 25 July 2002 11:16, Ross Vandegrift wrote:
> > But this is a ridiculous expectation. He expects to install a
> > completely different operating system, with completely different audio
> > applications, and be able to hit the ground running? Forget compiling
> > the kernel, what about learning to use new audio applications? In any
> Surely you can't believe it's as great a leap from Cool Edit to Audacity
> (or Ardour, once it gets packagable) as it is from Cool Edit to patching,
> configuring and building a kernel from source at a command line.
No, of course it's not. But think about all the learning curve that
happens before you can even talk about patching a kernel. All that
Unixy stuff that people aren't really exposed to.
* Different way of managing files
* Strict permissions
* Strong division of operating system vs. user data
* Network centrism
That's just to name a few. Now consider all the new learning needed to
effectively know how to use X11 well. Then all the learning needed to
effectively use a particular window manager or desktop environment. All
of this is just interacting with the computer - not even configuring it!
Going from Protools to Cool Edit in a week or is both reasonable as well
as beleiveable. But not if you had to tack on getting comfortable with
Unix environments on top of it.
> I think
> this is one of the great fallacies in the Linux audio world currently --
> that musical users of other OSes are as sophisticated (or as nerdy) as we
> are.
I'm not sure if I agree. It's just that the people developing free
software audio applications are mostly doing it because they are
musicians and need a tool. Unlike a company selling a product, they
have little incentive to make it easier for others when it works well
enough for them.
Ross Vandegrift
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