Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] icky low level linux stuff
From: Ross Vandegrift (
Date: Sat Jul 27 2002 - 02:45:13 EEST
> Suffice to say that Linux users who say "It's not a big deal to expect new
> users to rebuild kernels because of all the other nerdy stuff they'll have
> to do first anyway" has not migrated any normal Windows users to a recent
> Linux distribution lately.
Hmmm, perhaps my experience with my family (using Debian for over a year
now) has caused me to overestimate the damage done by Windows.
I'll tell ya what. I compile kernels like its nothing. I could build
some generic, modular kernels with all the nice low-latency stuff
applied and host them for audio newbies to download and get low latency
support. It wouldn't be such a huge effort for me.
Ross Vandegrift
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