Subject: [linux-audio-user] digital smpte equivalent
From: Rob Kudla (
Date: Sat Jul 27 2002 - 18:58:47 EEST
On Saturday 27 July 2002 08:35, Mitch Pirtle wrote:
> Trommeler) to tracks recorded on the HDD. So what is the digital
> equivalent so dropping a SMPTE time track and syncing the drum machine
> until all the *other* tracks are done and *then* committing the drums to
> tape/disk? Browsing all the linux sound apps lists provided no such
> clue as to how I could do this in the digital world. Of course it was a
I haven't actually tried it yet, but I'm thinking something like Spiral
Synth Modular might provide a close enough analog to that mode of
operation. I am pretty comfortable using Buzz on my win98 laptop and
Spiral Synth Modular seems to be in the same general category, if a bit
earlier on - you connect up a bunch of virtual sound modules, program in
tracks using a drum machine sequencer sort of interface, and when you have
everything the way you like it, render to WAV (or whatever.)
Under Buzz I would render it into several tracks each containing a subset
of the instruments and effects, and import them all into Cool Edit for
mastering (for which Audacity 1.1 is nearly equal at this point IMO.) I
even ended up recording a couple of extra tracks once I had it in Cool
It's a different way of working than Cakewalk or MOTU, but I was never
really comfortable with their model of creating music anyway. The only
place where it falls apart is I don't know if the stock sound support in
current distributions does full duplex, necessary for that last
overdubbing step. It looks to me like GLAME will eventually combine the
functions of Audacity and SSM, so maybe this will really be a cool way to
work in the future.
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