Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] icky low level linux stuff
From: Joseph Zitt (
Date: Sat Jul 27 2002 - 18:56:02 EEST
On Sat, 27 Jul 2002 14:25:46 +0900
Patrick Shirkey <> wrote:
> Joseph Zitt wrote:
> > On Sat, 27 Jul 2002 12:08:14 +0900
> > Patrick Shirkey <> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Should we be making a more conscious effort to dumb down our advice?
> >
> >>It's hard work giving advice to someone when you know little or
> >>nothing of their experience and needs.
> >
> >
> > It is hard. But that has nothing to do with "dumbing down".
> What else can you call it then?
Clarity. It is possible to write information that informs the "advanced"
user without losing the newbie. People rarely are offended by getting
more, rather than less, information.
But it is critical to remember, and not to imply, that those who have
not yet achieved a certain level of advancement are "dumb".
> > With these matters, the critical and difficult issue is where the
> > dividing line is between "advanced" and "less advanced". It's sort
> > of like the question of who should pay more taxes: almost everyone
> > thinks that it should start with people just a bit richer than
> > himself. I would consider people who are at the point of building
> > their own kernels to be"more advanced", but we see that that is far
> > from a unanimous opinion.
> >
> Huh? Are you saying that people who learn the fine art of package
> management with .deb or rpm are potentially more advanced users
> because they are saving themselves hassles of learning how to compile?
Um, what are you saying here?
> I went there and became bored with the outdated versions and having so
> many dependency problems. Everyone I know who uses windows complains
> about DLL hell and relying on rpms or debs to run a system creates
> exactly the same problem.
Curious. The great majority of people I know who use windows haven't any
idea what DLLs are. Remember that most people are not system
administrators and have no interest in the job, any more than most
drivers are auto mechanics.
> ----
> FAQ entries for the LAU mailing List
> What is the level of discussion on this list?
> You can currently say/ask pretty much anything to do with audio here.
> However don't be offended if the level of the answers you recieve is
> too advanced for you. We will try to help you as best as we can.
And if there's something you don't understand, please let us know, and
someone may try to explain it more clearly, either on the list or in
private mail.
("anything to do with audio"? Gee, my cassette player's not working...)
> How do I get the advice I need?
> In order to get the level of support/advice from us that you
> understand it helps if you tell us a little about your experience
> first. Things like "unable to compile anything on my own" or "have
> used UNIX since I was two and coded parts of the kernel" are good ways
> to let us know how we should word our advice.
> Saying something like "I have used Linux and computers on and off for
> xxx years" isn't enough, you need to give us a concept of what you
> have actually achieved.
But remember that most people have no idea what assumptions might be
made in the answers, and may be unable to provide the right
specifications of their experience without prompting.
> What is the best way to get lowlatency?
> You have a few options. It really depends on how comfortable you are
> with doing systems admin. One way is to compile a new patched
> lowlatency kernel. You can find out how to do that here
> another way is to get
> the correct kernel .rpm or .deb package for the Operating Systaem
> package you are running. Eg Redhat, Mandrake and SUSE use .rpm Debian
> use .deb. Make sure you install the -dev or -devel parts for this to
> work
> It's a mute point which of these ways is the easiest. YMMV
Is it "mute" because people don't talk about it ?-) It you mean a "moot
point", well, it isn't. It does, however, have several dependencies,
such as the user's skill, budget, etc.
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