Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Acid for Linux ?
From: Tim Mayberry (
Date: Tue Dec 10 2002 - 23:46:14 EET
On Tue, 10 Dec 2002 11:25, you wrote:
> Mark Knecht wrote on Mon, 09-Dec-2002:
> > On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 12:28, Brian Redfern wrote:
> > > Well, you can already load in audio files and edit their pitch/tempo
> > > in ardour,
> >
> > Thi is not true. You cannot modify a wave file's 'pitch' in Ardour, to
> > the best of my knowledge. I doubt you can actually modify the tempo of
> > an audio segment in Ardour. We just added tempo support.
> Mark is correct, the tempo-support just lets you define tempo
> and meter changes within a session... you can snap regions based
> on this info, however there is *no* direct support for pitch or
> time-stretching the audio in ardour.
Could make two audiotracks and have the output of one feeding the input of
the other, then change the speed of the diskstream while recording to the
second audiotrack? or is that what you mean by no direct support.
> I agree that the basic Acid functionality should be in another
> app (even though as a lazy developer, having to reimplement the multi-track
> UI paradigm *again* makes me sad). Sharing some transport controls
> via Jack should allow rendering the tracks to ardour easier.
I would of thought the paintbrush idea wouldn't be that hard to implement in
ardour, just make a new MouseMode and have whatever region is highlighted in
the region list inserted at the frame corresponding to the point at which the
mouse is clicked. But I guess it's more complicated than that. I haven't used
acid since version 1.0 or perhaps 2.0 so I'm not entirely sure how it works.
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