Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Submitted for your approval
From: Steve Harris (
Date: Sun Apr 06 2003 - 14:16:53 EEST
On Sun, Apr 06, 2003 at 03:36:06AM -0700, R Parker wrote:
> > Hell no, I'd use exactly the same setup. My
> > experience is that it costs
> > far more to back up a large disk system than it does
> > to populate it with
> > disks anyway.
> Yikes! I'm using large ide disks to mirror the scsi
> raid array.
Thats OK, but I'd want a fair number of disks, for offsite backups.
> I've been thinking about switching our archive
> strategy from DD3 tape to rewritable DVD. DVD is
> probably alot more convienant for clients.
DDS3? I dont trust them myself, I've got 3 different DDS2/3 drives and
there a bit fussy about reading each others tapes. Write only backups are
no good to anyone ;) The systems people at work use DLT or something
similar which is aparently much more relaible, but damn expensive.
DDS is helical scan (like audio DAT, so it suffers from head alignent
issues), wheres the newer techs tend to be linear.
DVD seems like a good bet if you can fit enough onto one disk.
> Anyway, my new point is that professional audio
> production in linux is a reality.S
Did you ever doubt it ;)
- Steve
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