Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Mastering; Rezound, fir filter, digital clipping
From: khad (
Date: Mon Jun 16 2003 - 14:22:14 EEST
Have you try `ardour', I think it is good enough for audio mastering...
R Parker wrote:
> --- Daniel James <> wrote:
>>>I'm doing a study on audio mastering. Hopefully
>>>letter will generate some correspondance from
>>>I'll learn enough to augment a GFDL licensed
>>>that I've been working on.
>>I look forward to reading that. Mastering is a
>>mystery to me,
> I've noticed that audio mastering is a mystery to many
> musicians and engineers. If using a well designed
> tool, the mystery will evaporate. And yes, that is
> contrary to what most of us have heard during our
> careers but I stand by the claims that A, mastering is
> easy and B, digital audio mastering produces great
> results.
> There is a linux mastering tool. It hasn't been
> announced yet because it's in an alpha stage of
> development which is why I didn't mention the
> application name in the original letter. But the cat
> is out of the bag, see
> Hope you like JAMIN too,
> ron
> so I've
>>just sent off for a book called Mastering Audio -
>>the Art and the
>>Science by Bob Katz. Are there any other titles that
>>list members
>>could recommend on the subject?
>>I know there are specialist mastering applications
>>on other platforms,
>>but what are the options on Linux? I know Audacity
>>has recently added
>>a gui compressor, and Glame used to have a great
>>normalisation tool.
>>Plus there's quite a few relevant LADSPA plugins - I
>>know Steve
>>Harris was working on a mastering toolkit.
>>It seems to me we've got all the elements there, but
>>they haven't
>>really been drawn together specifically for
>>mastering yet. I'm just
>>compiling Glame 1.0 now to see what that's like.
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