Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] CPU clock - beware
From: Stefan Scheffler (
Date: Sat Jul 24 2004 - 13:27:10 EEST
tim hall schrieb:
>So I'm running with an effective fsb of 66.8MHz [penny]
>That's what I get with the default settings of JP29 & JP23 on the motherboard
>[duh] If I was to jumper them at, say 5-6 & 3-4 respectively, this would give
>me host clock 3x (100 - 124MHz) [er] which I assume would then show up in the
>BIOS? [oh] could I then set it to the specified 100MHz x 6 ?:-]
uhm ... be careful processors have a specific fsb that they are
designed for. For early Celerons like yours that's 66 mhz.
And you could run into problems with your RAM if it only supports 66mhz.
I looked through your manual and I think you can't really go any higher
without doing anything that could be considered overclocking *shrug*.
You could for example up your fsb to 75 mhz but your memory and
everything else may not like it. Don't blame me if you blow up your
computer. :D
I've found an interesting table that says that they don't even recommend
running your cpu on that board. :) (probably just means that you won't
get full speed out of it)
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