[linux-audio-user] S/PDIF capture with m-audio 2496

From: Rob Jackson <robert.jackson@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Jul 13 2006 - 01:48:54 EEST

Could anyone please give me a step-by-step guide to setting up my
m-audio 2496 to capture from the S/PDIF? I am trying to record into
either Audacity or Ardour, but cannot 'find' any sound.

I can route data using Envy24Ctrl so that the digital mix bars on the
L/H side are active, but cannot capture sound using applications. I'm
guessing therefore that alsa is set up incorrectly.

Using Audacity, under Edit->Preferences, only /dev/dsp is visible (I
cannot select any other interface). Recording just produces a flat line.
In Ardour (via jack), I cannot get anything to appear on the v/u bars
despite selecting alsa_capture1 & 2.

The interface works fine in winXP, so it's something I'm doing wrong.

So, can anyone help me to get the sound from my interface to audio

Rob Jackson
Received on Thu Jul 13 04:15:04 2006

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