I have considered OpenGL, but bristol currently only has dependencies on an
audio library in the engine and Xlib for the GUI. I have previously written
and maintained applications that had other dependencies and they are painful
to manage - not just for development, but also for installation.
There are so many audio tools out there, and many have their own different
set of requirements, its actually quite a ludicrous situation. That is not
too slight any of the applications, they are written for free, writing them
has to be enjoyable for that reason, so it is reasonable that they use
whatever toolkit feels right. For bristol, this toolkit was brighton, it was
a lot of fun to build.
I am also not convinced that 3D is where I want to go - I like the idea, but
it keeps reminding me of starski and hutch style 'go faster stripes'. What I
want to say is that the interface needs to be interesting and 3D would be,
but this is still an audio application and 3D does not improve usability -
probably one of the biggest requirements of bristol at the moment.
>From: Lee Revell <rlrevell@email-addr-hidden-job.com>
>Reply-To: A list for linux audio users
>To: steiner@email-addr-hidden,A list for linux audio users
>Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: ANN: bristol 0.9.5-60
>Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2006 10:04:26 -0400
>On Mon, 2006-09-25 at 15:39 +0200, Malte Steiner wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > > no optimisation and yes, that is now noticable. Since the transparency
> > > layer is also going to be used for other features I will work on some
> > > changes.
> >
> > just a suggestion:
> > i didn't looked into the sources so what do you use for GUI painting?
> > How about using OpenGL? It should run hardware accellerated on recent
> > machines and comes with transparency, image rotation (read: knobs!),
> > colorization and sizing included.
>3D hardware acceleration requires a proprietary driver on most machines.
>Please don't make it a requirement.
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