>> /harmonyseq/sync - forces harmonySEQ to stop playing the current bar
>> and immediately skip to the next one - useful for synchronization
> I'm a little confused on how this is a very useful event to send: If I send
> it as Luppp goes on to the next bar, it may only be recieved when HarmonySeq
> *is* already on the next bar, and then HarmonySeq will skip a bar...
> A nasty hack would be to wait until on the 1st beat of the bar, then send
> the /sync and hope that they stay in sync after that... I'm not really sure
> how to fix this properly... do you have any ideas? :)
I'm not sure if I understood your problem, but if you are sending a
OSC sync command to harmonySEQ on each bar, then this indeed may cause
some problems - the proper approach is to set harmonySEQ's tempo to
exactly the same as other applications use, and send /harmonyseq/sync
*just once* - and this will keep them synchronised.
Though I like Fons' suggestion concerning jumping to the nearest bar,
that seems a reasonable solution, will try to implement that once.
>> /harmonyseq/event T - triggers OSC event with tag T (integer), and
>> executes actions bound to it.
> These are arbitrary "tag" numbers right? It would be great if there was a
> "pre defined" set of tags that I could code Luppp to send, and then
> HarmonySeq would respond in the same manner each time.
> For now a workaround would be to create an OSC tag for each of the Scenes in
> Luppp, and that OSC tag will enable disable the state of HarmonySeq to
> perform the part that is needed.
Maybe I wasn't clear about the tags - these have nothing to do with
OSC's own tags, and are indeed predefined, so that harmonySEQ will
react the same manner each time.
Adding a new OSC event in harmonySEQ you need to specify a parameter -
let's say you chose 5. Then harmonySEQ will trigger this event if and
only if it gets a '/harmonyseq/event 5' OSC message. This way you can
have a bunch of events, each with different parameter (this parameter
is called 'tag', but it's just a matter of naming), and you can choose
which one you want to trigger, by selecting the appropriate number
with a /harmonyseq/event X message.
I hope it's clearer now.
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