On Saturday 12 January 2013 10:19:59 Rustom Mody wrote:
> Ive seen some postings here recently recommending ffmpeg, so I thought I'd
> ask this (somewhat political) question:
> All that I know is that as an ordinary mostly-ignoramus user, Ive used
> ffmpeg on and off and then one day my debian updates told me ffmpeg is
> obsolete use libav.
> Did that and have found that some things that used to work with ffmpeg
> stopped with libav (dont exactly remember the details).
> Currently it appears that for using ffmpeg one needs to compile from source.
> Since people are recommending use of ffmpeg am I to understand that the
> headache is worth it?
> http://blog.pkh.me/p/13-the-ffmpeg-libav-situation.html seems to say that
> ffmpeg is integrating libav patches and not vice versa
> [Sorry for asking a political question]
Thanks for exposing this issue. I think that it is important, because it
illustrates a negative and recurrent pattern from some Linux distros. Another
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Received on Sat Jan 12 12:15:01 2013
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