Re: [LAU] The totally useless debate about purported 'natural' tunings [WAS]: Re: "droning" project: 249-257

From: Set Hallstrom <sakrecoer@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Oct 01 2015 - 14:13:58 EEST

On 2015-10-01 12:47, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> There is absolutely no harmony in reality.

Agreed :)

> Eckankar and Buddhism for example claim to know the phonetic sound of a
> very special initially cosmic sound, unfortunately they use different
> phonetic sounds.

It's easy to claim things. For example, i claim my flat to be an
independent nation. It was easy, i just expressed it to be so. The hard
part is to make everyone else understand why they should agree with it.

> Balance, harmony would be A=0Hz, OTOH our speakers burn at 0Hz, it's not
> very harmonic from their point of view. A=0 Hz would mean that all other
> notes are 0Hz too.

:D #speakershaverightstoo !

> Despite of human ethics and/or emotions, chaos, inhomogeneity seems to
> be what the universe is based on.


> War likely is more "consistent with the universe", than peace is.


GOSH i love to exist in this contradictory universe. I find SO much
personal growth in the task of bending it with my mind. And the less i'm
capable of expressing all those feelings it evokes, the better i like
the music i make of it....


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Received on Thu Oct 1 16:15:03 2015

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