linux-audio-dev By Subject
- [LAD] [ANN] QjackCtl 0.3.12 released, feat. JACK Pretty-names aliasing
- [LAD] [LAU] [LAA] Guitarix 0.31.0 released
- [LAD] [LAU] Linux Audio Conference 2015?
- [LAD] [LAU] zitaretuner
- [LAD] [OT] Duplicate messages originating from dspam@email-addr-hidden
- [LAD] A bit more MIDI clarification please
- [LAD] Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer 0.4.2
- [LAD] Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer API online
- [LAD] Alsa and multiple bluetooth devices
- [LAD] Announce: MFP 0.05
- [LAD] AoIP question
- [LAD] build problem with ambix plugins + LV2
- [LAD] Experience driven design and Linux Audio
- [LAD] Guitarix 0.31.0 released
- [LAD] How can a LV2 plugin know on what host's MIDI Channel it's on?
- [LAD] How can an LV2 plugin UI get the value of a control port from the plugin?
- [LAD] jack midi python
- [LAD] Jack not starting MOD-Duos Audio Interface Driver
- [LAD] Lars Luthman
- [LAD] Linux audio jobs/companies?
- [LAD] LV2 Pitch bend control port (and function)
- [LAD] LV2::Synth from one note to another
- [LAD] media clock from wall clock
- [LAD] MOD mailing list and IRC channel
- [LAD] More thoughts on AES67
- [LAD] suil error: Unable to open UI library
- [LAD] Update advanced gtk+ sequencer
- [LAD] Wave shapes & forms
- [LAD] zitaretuner
- Experience driven design and Linux Audio)
- Experience driven design and Linux Audio]
- How can a LV2 plugin know on what host's MIDI Channel it's on?
- How can an LV2 plugin UI get the value of a control port from the plugin?
- Last message date: Wed Oct 29 2014 - 16:15:01 EET
- Archived on: Wed Oct 29 2014 - 16:15:01 EET