linux-audio-dev By Subject
- [LAD] 3D audio made with Clam
- [LAD] [ANN] dssi-vst 0.6
- [LAD] [ANN] FAUST released
- [LAD] [ANN] first versions of lv2dynparam extension and helper libraries for it
- [LAD] [ANN] lv2-c++-tools 0.1.666 - alpha testers wanted
- [LAD] [ANN] lv2vocoder plugin version 1 released (Happy robots use Linux and LV2!)
- [LAD] [ANN] miniloop-0.0 Released
- [LAD] [ANN] new version of ssg (Simple Sine Generator)
- [LAD] [ANN] Qtractor 0.1.0 (frivolous debutante) released!
- [LAD] [ANN] zynadd plugin version 1
- [LAD] [ANN] zynjacku version 1 released
- [LAD] [CinCVS] Fwd: I believe in cinelerra
- [LAD] [Faudiostream-devel] Prototyping algorithms and ideas
- [LAD] [Jack-Devel] JACK & MIDI
- [LAD] [Jackit-devel] [RELEASE] jack-audio-connection-kit 0.109.0
- [LAD] [Jackit-devel] Abstraction for JACK control API
- [LAD] [LAU] [ANN] new version of ssg (Simple Sine Generator)
- [LAD] [LAU] one more to watch ?
- [LAD] [OT] LinuxSampler and GPL - some clarifications
- [LAD] [RELEASE] jack-audio-connection-kit 0.109.0
- [LAD] [REMINDER] A bit of common sense.
- [LAD] Abstraction for JACK control API
- [LAD] alsa and OSS (again?)
- [LAD] Call for conference
- [LAD] free source code for lots of plugins ... waiting for ports ....
- [LAD] Fwd: LS licensing
- [LAD] Fwd: LS licensing (was: LV2 " isn't well thought out ?" LV2 in the Reaper sequencer)
- [LAD] Hello.
- [LAD] I believe in cinelerra
- [LAD] JACK 0.109.2 released
- [LAD] jack client autoconnection
- [LAD] JACK Synthesizer Manager Proposal
- [LAD] LatencyTop
- [LAD] Linux Audio Conference 2008: Registration now open
- [LAD] LinuxSampler or JACK or what is the trouble?
- [LAD] LS License (was: LV2 in the Reaper sequencer)
- [LAD] LS licensing (was: LV2 & quot; isn't well thought out ?& quot; LV2 in the Reaper sequencer)
- [LAD] LS licensing (was: LV2 " isn't well thought out ?" LV2 in the Reaper sequencer)
- [LAD] LV2 "isn't well thought out ?" LV2 in the Reaper sequencer
- [LAD] LV2 " isn't well thought out ?" LV2 in the Reaper sequencer
- [LAD] LV2 adoption
- [LAD] LV2 Released
- [LAD] midishare (was alsa and OSS (again?))
- [LAD] MidiShare problem on AMD64
- [LAD] Nekosynth, GPL, and commercial and non-commercial use.
- [LAD] NtEd is the real WYSIWYG music score
- [LAD] NtED is the real WYSIWYG music score (updated)
- [LAD] Prototyping algorithms and ideas
- [LAD] Sample audio recorded at 192/24
- [LAD] SLV2 0.4.2 Released
- [LAD] Summercode 2008: LASH as a D-Bus service
- [LAD] Summercode 2008: LASH, pt. 2
- [LAD] wcnt-1.26-pre
- [OT] LinuxSampler and GPL - some clarifications
- [piksel] Fwd: [estudiolivre] I believe in cinelerra
- Last message date: Thu Jan 31 2008 - 20:15:44 EET
- Archived on: Thu Jan 31 2008 - 20:15:44 EET